NYT Accused of Knowing About Hamas Attack Before it Happened

As reported by RedState, a number of individuals claiming to be “photojournalists” were discovered in close association with Hamas during the deadly attack on Israel on October 7th. This finding has raised concerns about potential advance knowledge and participation in the acts of violence. Notably, there is video footage showing a journalist carrying a grenade while crossing the border with Hamas militants.

Nevertheless, the main source of the controversy stemmed from the fact that these reporters had agreements with prominent American news outlets like CNN, the AP, Reuters, and The New York Times. It is true that these media organizations had paid these purported journalists for the pictures that eventually became the initial visuals of the attacks.

Although CNN and the AP quickly ended their associations and disapproved of the disclosure, The New York Times adopted an unexpected position. The newspaper not only stood by the accused journalist but also asserted that they were the ones who had suffered as victims in this situation.

The New York Times has refuted accusations of possessing any advance knowledge of the Hamas attacks or being involved in them. The newspaper dismisses such claims as irresponsible, emphasizing that they endanger their journalists in Israel and Gaza. The Times asserts that its coverage of the October 7th attacks and the broader conflict has been impartial, demonstrating a profound understanding of the complexity of the situation.

Nevertheless, given that the Times was a key media outlet that propagated the false narrative of Israel bombing the Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza, a report attributed to Hamas, there are doubts about whether they have reported on the war with objectivity and impartiality. The Times has faced frequent allegations of showing sympathy for, if not outright defending, the opposing side.

Many in the public are outraged that the Times would portray these journalists as victims. The true victims, according to them, are the individuals who lost their lives on October 7th.

In response, the Times has taken a stand to protect these courageous freelance photojournalists who specialize in reporting from conflict zones. Their profession often requires them to navigate through perilous situations.

The journalists don’t seem to have been accidental observers who found themselves in a conflict zone; they actively accompanied Hamas across Gaza, crossed the Israeli border, and stayed with them as civilians were targeted. Given these circumstances, it appears unlikely that they were unaware of the impending attack. Therefore, The Times’ defense of their actions raises concerns.




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