The Daily Elephant

Leaked Canadian Police Messages Show Mockery of Injured Protesters

The levels of callousness and cruelty that have infiltrated the Canadian police forces are shown in leaked Ottawa Police and Royal Canadian Mounted Police correspondence.

The messages were discovered by independent journalist Keean Bexte. The contents of a private police chat room have been released, and they are troubling.

The officer is referring to an incident in which a crippled elderly woman was initially thought to be dead after a horrifying video of her being crushed by a police horse was taken on Friday night.

The woman allegedly hurled her bike at officers, according to Ottawa Police.

However, the video clearly demonstrates that it was a disability scooter that was unrelated to the incident.

In addition, the Ottawa Police Department erroneously reported that no one was critically hurt.

An excerpt from the leaked screenshot of their conversation states:

“Just watched that horse video — that is awesome!!!” Marca said.

“We should practice that manoeuvre,” she further remarked.

“I have a second gas mask,” Marc Corsi commented. “Never used if anyone doesn’t have one and would require one tomorrow.”

“I’ll take it!” Mike Mcdougall said.

“Time for the protesters to hear our jackboots on the ground,” Andrew Nixon grimly commented.

“Wowowowo Nixon, this is a kindler gentler RCMP,” Robin Thibault said snarkily.

“Okay we can give out free hugs and unicorn stickers,” Nixon added sarcastically.

The oppressive onslaught on the demonstrators was criticized by the Canadian Civil Liberties Association. They claim that the federal government has not met the requirements for invoking the Emergency Management Act. For good reason, this law establishes a high and explicit standard: it authorizes the government to skip usual democratic processes. This requirement has not been achieved.

During the police crackdown on the Freedom Convoy protest on Friday and Saturday, over 100 individuals were arrested. Unidentified officers in riot gear attacked peaceful protestors, used tear gas, and one officer even stomped a crippled woman while riding his horse. Luckily, she has recovered in the hospital after sustaining a dislocated shoulder.

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