The Daily Elephant

Investigation Opened After Mass Shooter’s Manifesto Allegedly Leaked

Certainly, on March 27, a 28-year-old individual named Audrey Hale, who identified as a transgender male using the name “Aiden,” entered a school in Nashville, Tennessee, and initiated gunfire. Tragically, three 9-year-old children, namely Hallie Scruggs, William Kinney, and Evelyn Dieckhaus, along with three adults—Mike Hill, Cynthia Peak, and Katherine Koonce—lost their lives in this incident. Subsequently, Hale was confronted and fatally shot by officers from the Metropolitan Nashville Police Department.

Following the shooting incident, law enforcement discovered over 20 journals, a suicide note, and written materials attributed to Hale. These documents became the subject of legal disputes, with some individuals advocating for their disclosure, while others, including certain families of the victims, sought to keep them confidential. Presently, a person with conservative views has made portions of these pages public, prompting the mayor to call for an investigation.

On November 6, radio personality Steven Crowder unveiled select images of the documents authored by the individual involved in the tragic events at The Covenant School. Mayor Freddie O’Connell of Nashville disclosed that he instructed Metro’s Law Director, Wally Dietz, to initiate an inquiry into the source of the three leaked photos of these documents. The mayor highlighted that this investigation might engage authorities at various levels—federal, state, and local.

The Metro Nashville Police released a statement verifying the legitimacy of the images shared by Crowder. They affirmed that no individuals were facing termination and confirmed an ongoing investigation into the matter.

Police Chief John Drake expressed his deep concern regarding the disclosure of Hale’s writings, stating that he was greatly disturbed by the situation. He emphasized that the police are actively pursuing the investigation to identify the individual responsible for leaking the documents, underlining the seriousness with which they are approaching this inquiry. He further articulated that the leak demonstrated a complete disregard for the affected families of the school.

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