The Daily Elephant

Activist Imprisoned for Spending Donations on Herself

Black Lives Matter advocate Xahra Saleem found herself incarcerated for fraudulent activities, as she diverted a significant portion of donations meant for a children’s charity for personal use. Saleem, a key figure among BLM supporters involved in orchestrating the protests leading to the removal of Sir Edward Colston’s statue in Bristol, UK, faced legal consequences.

Saleen was sentenced to a two-and-a-half-year imprisonment following her conviction for embezzling $40,042 in funds designated for the Bristol children’s organization, Changing Your Mindset. The organization had originally intended to utilize these funds for a humanitarian journey to various African nations, aimed at combating child poverty on the continent, as stated in their official release.

Saleem, the original member of BLM’s Bristol division, was discovered to have misappropriated the funds and used them to acquire a laptop, beauty products, takeout meals, and an iPhone. As reported by The Times of London, she also allocated more than $6,000 from these donations to cover taxi expenses. According to the media source, these disbursements occurred over an 11-month span, extending up to June 2021.

The left-wing activist, who wore a Hijab in court, was criticized during her sentencing for betraying the trust of a children’s charity. Multiple reports indicated that Saleem provided various justifications to the charity for not delivering the GoFundMe donations, claiming she was hesitant due to alleged homophobia within the organization.

The BLM activist informed the charity that she had a psychosis diagnosis, explaining the use of funds for medical treatment. She later apologized to the group, promised to take responsibility, but then went missing for a few weeks before being arrested by the Avon and Somerset Police in July 2021.

The charity organization, which had fallen victim to fraud, was forced to cease its operations a couple of weeks after her apprehension due to financial difficulties.

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